Progress Update + Call for Beta Readers

Hi amazing peeps!

Thanks so much for everyone's patience. Things are progressing slowly with Moral Retrograde but I wanted to keep everyone updated on how we're going.

So, uh... remember when the initial prologue script was only 7k words?
Yeah... it's 14k now. *awkward laugh* A lot happens in the second half of the prologue, players will be introduced to another two of the hospital staff, one of which is an OC of a member of our team! We're in the process of going over their dialogue and design, but I'm so excited for everyone to meet them! 

The extended demo is going to have at last FOUR new CG illustrations added to it! Our CG artist Sekkusu is working hard on a few of them this month.  As a reward for everyone's patience, here's a look at one of the upcoming CGs featuring Ian. 

Moral Retrograde deals with some heavy topics.

- Cheating
- Gaslighting
- Abuse
- Victim Shaming

I'm fortunate to have some awesome beta readers helping me out, but as we get closer to completing the extended demo, I need more opinions and feedback.  I especially need sensitivity readers for the Liar route, as I have trouble with writing that route specifically. 

So... if you are interested in 

- helping beta test the extended demo (or beta reading just the script early)
- having your opinion influence the direction of the game
- being credited as a beta tester/reader
- my eternal love and appreciation

... then please fill out this google form before March 30th to express your interest in volunteering as a beta.

**Previous applicants may apply again 

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