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ohh I want to see how lying can backfire down the line

This was an excellent demo! 

The little animations were such a great touch, and the story branching had some very interesting choices. It was a very neat approach to the amnesia trope.
I felt so bad with the lying choices, and I couldn't help rolling my eyes hard at some of what Harper says to Ian... but I was torn, because Ian seemed more receptive to those answers, too (still, Ian deserves the truth!) 
This story is definitely going to be an emotional roller coaster. I really hope things work out for them in the full game ;-;

Hey there WitPOP! Good demo here, very interesting paths you've set up here! I liked how Ian reacted to things felt more realistic? Dialogue just read like it was real! Art is solid too btw! Thanks for telling me about the game jam btw and for doing your own entry too, it was interesting and super unique for a visual novel at least to me!

That was a great demo! Very polished, and I liked all the little animations ๐Ÿ‘Œ

As for the story, I feel like it was much more rewarding to lie and be a little scummy! Which is interesting, because I normally wouldn't go that route but now I'm curious to see how it all plays out (and comes crashing down, I'm sure). I'll be looking forward to the full release โœจ

This was a lovely game! I had a lot of fun playing it <33

Thank you for playing and trying all the different choices!

I really like the demo version but i'm also wondering what song you used in the intro so if anyone knows please tell me?

The intro song is a custom commissioned song by Borealis Games. She did an amazing job with it. 


Victor that you?

noooooo, I need more of this beautiful thing!!

they deserve to be happy, both of them... not that I know what happened, like the full story, what did harper doooooooo......

While I was playing it glitched and showed this

Can you let me know which build you were playing it on? I'll look into it thanks!!

Ignore error if it doesn't work, rollback then... It happens sometimes when you play VNs on web :(


I loved the demo!! I can't wait for the full game to come, I choose to tell the truth and I loved the ending! Hopefully telling the truth causes them to fix their relationship even though Harper cheated if Ian does remember, I can't wait for the full game!


Thank you so much!!


great demo! really enjoyed it! I can't wait to be stupidly honest with Ian to see what kind of ending I will get in full version ahahahah


Thank you shortycake!!! 

Honesty is the key after all XD


Loved the demo but I was a little disappointed after comparing the two main paths as after lying we can blame the other or our MC instead of the possibility to admit it was MC's fault as it was possible in the truth/moral path. I can't see why we can't miw lie and truth. Specially... Lying then putting the blame on the MC after feels like a false blame to manipulate the other one. The lying path seems like MC is really obnoxious and unfriendly. I don't find the right term. But if the path begins like that I'm scared of the rest ah, ah, ah ! 

Big recommandation !


Hi username la!

Glad you liked the demo!

The lying route will get much worse :) and the personality trait I'm using for Harper's character is a mix of Yandere and Narcissism. 

If it's too much for you, I recommend only playing the truth route. The truth route will be less triggering (I hope. Lol)

Thanks for playing


Thanks. I'll definitely play the truth route and try the lying one. But your hopefulness is scaring me ah, ah. Let's hope MC can still be a decent person at the end of the lying path (or not, I know some players will love the angst).


I enjoyed this short sample of the game and I hope you get to continue making more content for it. The art is very pretty and I liked having my morals tested, so I hope that there will be consequences for the decisions further down the line. I also enjoyed the extra camera moves when the character arrives at the hospital, it really added a frantic energy to the event. The music is also very nice. I've been letting it loop while I write this comment :)


Thank you so much for the kind words ChaoticMana!!

I'm so glad you enjoyed the camera moves! I wanted to show some motion to the game without making it too complicated.  I'll also pass on your compliment to our composer =]


Really want to know more about these characters. I want to think that Harper it is not as selfish as they are presented. Or they are in the lying route? And I'm looking forward to seeing more about Ian, what will become of him in either route

I feel the characters very interesting, but it is too soon to say more.

The art is gorgeous too, both the CG and sprits


Hey hey! It's badegg! Thank you for playing another one of my games!!

 I'm glad the game has got you thinking, it definitely takes a lot out of me while writing the script. Haha. Thank you for the kind words as well about the art! I appreciate it!


A very interesting concept for a visual novel, I really love this. The potential angst for the honesty route, and the morbid implications for the lying route are so interesting!

 I really like the demo, and I look forward to the continued development of this game!


Thank you so much for the kind words, EagerBeaver!


This was a really fun demo! I am excited to see how the game develops from here. The art is gorgeous, and the story is intriguing. The fact that we have so much power to influence this poor guy is both amazing and terrifying. Do we choose to be a good person or a selfish person? 

Thank you so much for playing and sharing your Let's Play, Faelel!

I'm glad you liked the art and music, and it was fun watching your reactions. lol 


Fun story set up where you can gaslight Ian or be truthful the wholetime. The sprites look good and the cg's are very well done. I did find a bug with the sprite zoom out for Ian on the line "So you'll apologise because you regret what you did but won't tell me what you're apologising for?" What happens is that instead of zooming out the sprite instead takes up the whole screen. After some testing I found that this happens after skipping dialogue then scrolling back a bit. Maybe a problem with the zoom statement in renpy? Anyways, fun demo looking forward to future updates.

Hi Curso! Thank you for the kind words :D And thanks for bringing the bug to my attention!! Can you let me know which build you played? (PC, mac, web or phone) Cheers!

Hi, it was the pc build. I forgot to mention that my bad.

Thank you